⚠️ DESTOCKAGE ⚠️ CBD Flowers - Pink Lady - Green House
Organic French CBD flowers Pink Lady grown in greenhouses.
A CBD flower grown with love on our French farm AGRICAN.
🍁 A variety from our last harvest in autumn 2023 that we've lovingly aged.
⚠️ DESTOCKAGE ⚠️ Blueberry Muffin - flower cbd Indoor French
CBD flowers indoor Blueberry Muffin .
A French CBD Indoor flower... Yes, you read that right!
Grown in our AGRICAN greenhouses in Northern France. This is the best product we've released so far!
⚠️ DESTOCKING ⚠️ Pablo Dream - CBD Flowers - Green House
CBD flowers of Colombian origin. Cultivated under the South American sun, it expresses its finest flavours and offers a CBD content of 11.66%.
💸 Excellent value for money for your customers.
# DESTOCKAGE # Olive 25% CBD
🫒 Olive H resin concentrated with 25% CBD.
🇫🇷 This 100% French resin is a classic to have in your CBD store.
⚠️ DESTOCKAGE ⚠️ Flowers 2023 - K1 Tsunami - Green House
Organic French CBD flowers K1 Tsunami grown in greenhouses.
A CBD flower grown with love on our French farm AGRICAN.
🍁 Enjoy a tsunami of flavor with this lovingly organically grown variety. Buds are small, from 1 to 2 cm. An excellent appetizer!
Ayurvedic Digestion CBD Infusion - Bulk
🌿 We work hand in hand with a well-known local herbalist. We select the best of his infusion recipes and add 20% of our own AGRICAN ground trim and minibuds.
This Ayurvedic Digestion herbal tea is ideal for improving transit, as it aids digestion. And it's all in a very pleasant flavor.
Sold by the KG.
Infusion CBD "Bora Bora" - Bulk
🌿 We work hand in hand with a well-known local herbalist. We select the best of his infusion recipes and add 20% of our own AGRICAN ground trim and minibuds.
This blend Bora bora is a cocktail of flavors tropical, d'orange, d'dog rose and appleall accompanied by CBD trim for a dream destination!
A cocktail of flavours to enjoy at any time of day.
Sold by the KG.
CBD Infusion "Grandmother's Remedy" - Bulk
🌿 We work hand in hand with a well-known local herbalist. We select the best of his infusion recipes and add 20% of our own AGRICAN ground trim and minibuds.
The plants chosen for this blend are historically and ancestrally recognized by herbalists for their benefits.
Sold by the KG.